Lionel Sanders 100K Subs
Dear Sanders Fans,
If you have not seen Lionel has just hit the 100,000 maker on Youtube subscriptions. This has been a goal we set out to hit from the start of of his Youtube. I can not believe the support we have received over the years from all the fans. I am going to make a 100K video special thanking Lionel from myself and YOU! I have blocked him from seeing my Instagram stories so he wont see this page.
I am looking for all the people that are inspired by Lionel to submit a 10 second or less video of them thanking Lionel for inspiring them. I am going to add all them into a compilation video of Lionel over the last 3 years. I am going to premier it on YouTube next week August 10th at 12 CTS.
Get Creative
Tell us your name or where you’re from.
Record a selfie video while riding on the trainer
Record a selfie video of you watching Lionel Sanders
Of tell us why you’re inspired. What ever you think looks good! SEND IT!
To Submit video Click here and send it to
or text on iMessage or whats up +1-404-626-2816
(I don’t know if all the videos will make it in the final project but I will do my best)